Thursday, 2 December 2021

...crochet hooked

Over the past 4 or 5 weeks (basically since 23rd October) every spare waking moment has been spent making granny squares for my Attic24 Harmony blanket, which arrived at the "join as you go" lap-warmer stage just in time for Storm Arwen and the first snow of winter, last weekend. 

To say I've been obsessed is putting it mildly. Granny squares are simply too moreish. If I hadn't had the structure of someone else's pattern to follow (14 sets of 9 identical squares) I think I could easily have vanished down a rabbit-hole of infinite colour combinations, and been lost to everyday life forever. 
Not surprsingly, the impact on my Home-made Christmas Presents (HCP) Plan for 2021 has been disastrous (zero progress made). Eventually I had to take myself to one side and have a stern word in my ear: "After November no more crochet allowed unless progress has been made with the HCP List during the day!"  

This rule came into force yesterday (December 1st) and so far I've definitely been testing my own boundaries. Yesterday I made 5 masks (3 people had been in touch asking for new ones after the latest Covid mandates) and then crocheted like mad for the rest of the day, reasoning that a "job" had been completed...maybe not a job from the HCP List, but a non-crochet job, nevertheless. So now I only have 9 more squares to join before I'm on to the border! 

This morning I discovered a new daily creative challenge on Instagram (#carvedecember2021 - carve a stamp, using a one word prompt, each day throughout December) and (naturally) spent the morning making two little lino-cuts in order to catch up with everyone else...

...again, not a job from the HCP List (or any other list come to that) but definitely non-crochet. I reckon I can get back in my good books this afternoon, though, by finally making a start on an official HCP List job - knitting a Miss Marple scarf for my Mum. This is intended to ease me in gently - it's not crochet, but it does involve yarn. Nice, purply-pink, chunky yarn, which will knit up quickly...

...leaving time for a bit of guilt-free crochet tonight!