My creative endeavours have taken a nose-dive recently, and the more I fret about it the worse I feel, and the worse I feel, the more I procrastinate. There is a new grandbaby arriving in September, and there are blankets to be knitted and crocheted, and a little newborn hat for the hospital has been requested - but I have a cut out tunic waiting to be sewn, and I'm stuck on the handles of a crocheted bag for my daughter. I know how close these projects are to completion, but I seem to have zero motivation to get them done - and I absolutely, categorically, can not (and will not) start anything new until they're finished. Ugh! Creative paralysis is the worst!
In the meantime, here is a quick round up of the things that have stopped me from grinding to a complete halt since I last posted here, way back in April.
- Place-setting pebbles for my eldest son's wedding in May. A lovely day celebrating a very happy couple.
- Queen Anne's Lace at the park. I was so glad to have got this picture, because the next time I went along this path it had all been mown down, almost to ground level, as if it had never been there at all.
- A new Wiksten top made from upcycled curtain fabric. I've been gradually shedding a bit of weight this year - eating less, moving more, choosing better - so everything in my wardrobe is getting a bit loose and baggy. It's nice to have an excuse to make a few new things in a smaller size, but I'm a little sad that some of my favourites are now too big. Guess it's still a good problem to have though!
- One of my most-travelled paths at the park, in June. Just love that glowing green foliage and the pretty shadows of the leaves on the ground.
- The cut out tunic waiting to be sewn...
- Hedge mouse in the bird feeder. So busy munching that I got within about five feet of him/her before he/she went scrambling for cover.
- The crocheted bag waiting for handles. This entails working 110ch for each handle and then doing three rows of sc all the way round the top of the bag on either side of the 110ch. So bloomin' fiddly. Plus I need to make a lining (not included in the pattern). I've figured out how to do it in my head, but again - so bloomin' fiddly!
- July is the best time for berries. All freshly picked from the garden! Yum!

- In mid-July my gorgeous grandson turned one. His first year has just flown by. We had four weeks of Grandma Daycare (one day per week) before the school summer holidays started (his Mum is a teacher), and I can't wait for September to get back on duty. I made him a card and wrote him a funny, sentimental poem. He lives on a farm, so is obsessed with tractors, cows, and watering the garden. Pointing at things he's interested in is his new super-power. Love him so!