Friday, 6 August 2021


The wedding pebbles are finished! All remaining 81 of them, completed in a '10 pebbles per day' marathon over the course of a week or so, and safely delivered with a fortnight to spare. For someone who could easily be a gold medallist in the Procrastination Olympics this was quite an achievement, and I've been basking in the unfamiliar glow of being anxiety-free in the face of an impending deadline ever since...
 ...I mean, it's even given me guilt-free time to work on another unnecessary-but-irresistable knitting project - the Lintilla shawlette by the wonderful Martina Behm. I'm a sucker for self-striping yarns, and this particular one (Wunder-klecks by Schoppel, which I bought in a sale) is an absolute joy to work with. It's hand-painted, so the colour changes are completely random, and I love the combination of olive-green and cream with plums and pinks and indigo blues in this colourway. It's a 75% wool/25% biodegradeable nylon yarn, with a smooth, almost cotton-like texture, so I think it will be very comfortable to wear (not scratchy)...
...perfect for wandering past the wild-flower meadow...
...looking up at the sky through rain-spattered leaves...
...and spotting bears in the trees!


  1. Hello Amelia! Thank you for the comment on my Linden Grove blog today. I have replied to you on there. I can see from your blog that you are quite a crafter! Your hand written pebbles are lovely. Your photography is very good too! :)

  2. The wedding pebbles are so great. They must have taken a lot of effort. X

  3. Thanks Jules! Once I figured out how to get them the way I wanted them it was actually plain sailing - setting a target of doing 10 a day worked well too - enough to make a dent in the total, without feeling like a massive chore!

  4. Ha, ha...loved your procrastinator's comment. How true! Hugs, and they look great!Sandi
