Saturday, 29 July 2017

...turquoise colour-pop baby blanket

The little blanket is finished. Just a very simple stocking stitch rectangle with a garter stitch border, it is nice and soft, and cheerful to look at. Turns out it could have been a medium sized blanket as I still have three balls left over, but I wanted to make it portable and pushchair/pram sized rather than a shawl or cot blanket. Found out last week that the baby is a girl, so I may have to make a few more bits and pieces before she arrives. 

This morning's walk was lovely. I got quite distracted by reflections of trees and sky in the puddles...

...then found this beautiful little feather, with irridescent blue bars along one side. Can't think what bird it could have come from, but it has made the crazy bird lady very happy.

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