Wednesday 29 January 2020

...feeling blue and WOYWW

Don't know if it's the time of year or my time of life but I've been very blue for a couple of weeks now. Work feels emotionally exhausting, I'm not sleeping well, I'm in physical pain and when I look at the bigger picture it makes me feel even more hopeless, what with the coronavirus in China, the bush-fires in Australia, escalating climate change, and the self-serving, ruthless people who keep getting elected into power around the globe. I find myself in full-on Eeyore "What's the point?" mode...and my internal Pollyanna is just glad that I'm in the Autumn of my life, not the Spring. 

I've experienced similar periods of mild depression before, and although I really want to just shut out the world and never have to leave the house again, I'm starting to fight back - talking about it to other people as well as reasoning with myself, planning some weekend walks, and making time to do the things I like to keeping track of things in the blogging community. So here is a small collection of three blue things I'm associating with pleasure, not sadness...
  • Fabulous feathery ice crystals on the car windscreen 

  • a 40th birthday hat knitted for a friend - the Antler Toque by Tin Can Knits 

  • Finished Staysail Mitts - a record-breakingly long project - the first mitt took nearly a year to complete (lost in the UFO pile), and the second took weeks (impatience to finish means repeated frogging to correct silly mistakes). 

...and joining with fellow-work-desk-sharers, here is a glimpse of the to-do queue that awaits me on my making table. Ugly Baby still needs knitwear, there's a peg doll still waiting to be brought to life in the big white box, and the package on top of the pile is a needle-felting kit my sister-in-law gave me for Christmas - never tried this before, but will be good to have a go. Onwards and upwards!


  1. Love the icy patterns, they're fab. Good for you on finding ways to cope with depression. Great job on finishing the mitts,they look very snuggly. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

  2. Doing the things that make you happy is now the way I go .... the rest will still be there when I feel brighter ..... and after all is said and done.... it's YOU that counts.
    Love all those blue photos and those gloves are a WOW!
    Have a good week
    Christine #22

  3. It's not unusual for people to feel blue at this time of year. It's the lack of sunshine, the long, dreary month of January, sort of an anti-climax after Christmas - it seems never ending, doesn't it? But hey, we're at the end of it now, the days are getting longer and perhaps we shouldn't worry about things we can't change in the world (other than do our own bits for the environment). Blue is my favourite colour and I never associate it with depression. Instead, I think of it as fresh and clean, the colour of the ocean and the colour of the sky. I agree with Christine - do what makes you happy - it makes all the difference! Love your icy photos and the cosy knitwear, and trying a new hobby like needle felting might just be your medicine! Wishing you a happy end to January! xx zsuzsa #18

  4. Oh poor you, I totally get it. It’s one of the reasons we escape for a week in Jan or Feb to the just helps us to push through! failing that it think you’ve got it right gal, daylight walks, finding things that inspire you and SPEAKING OUT. You are so not alone. I find that the satisfaction of finishing something, anything is a great help too...I don’t count my ufo box in that though...I tend to cause others to get annoyed by me and go through the garage, or the previous years paperwork and start binning things left right and centre. our daughter left a mountain of stuff when she left home and I’ve reduced it to one wardrobe full...and I’ve got a plan for that now too!!! Keep on, we’re surrounding you.

  5. I'm having a blue period as well at the moment (work related issues really not helping), but also find focusing on the positives helps. Loving your blue photos - especially the frost patterns. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  6. It is that time of year when a lot of people feel extremely low and pains seems to multiply. I identify with that group and often feel like going into hibernation, but I have a new puppy and she is keeping me active and providing a great deal of pleasure, even if she is just sitting on my lap.
    Well done for keeping going, sending love and hugs Angela #8

  7. I'm sorry you're feeling so down at the moment, I hope things improve for you soon glad you are getting some knitting done, and I love the icy photos! Helen #1

  8. Sorry to hear you feeling a little down at the moment. Things do seem worse at this time of the year but I try to think about the good side of life and do things that make me happy, it helps. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x15x

  9. Really sorry to hear you've been feeling down recently, January I find is always a difficult month i'm always glad to see the back of it. Take good care of yourself and do things for you, finishing those projects you've had on the go for a while you'll feel a real sense of achievement and pride. Beautiful mitts to keep your hands warm on those walks, there's nothing more inspirational than the nature around us.
    Take care & stay strong Tracey #7

  10. What gorgeous ice crystal photos. Sorry you are feeling down. Have you tried using a light box, as this time of year is so low on sunlight it can affect moods really badly. The mittens look great despite the unpicking and re-knitting and the hat is cool too. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #2

  11. I have been feeling the same way, just want to stay in bed with the covers over my head until it's all over...but we have to live our lives, don't we? That was one of the reasons that I couldn't get into my stamping room for so long, and missed making my Christmas cards...
    The crystal photos are awesome, so pretty! The gloves and hat are lovely! I have tried felting, I enjoyed it, but I can only do so many things...hopefully you will enjoy it too! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #23

  12. If you live anywhere like here, Chicagoland, we haven't seen the sun for almost a week. Temps have been erratic and it's just ugly out. The television is ugly, the news cycles depressing....make art, play classical music...nothing is better than humming to Mozart while you work....Handel is my favorite work music. If rock is your thing---turn up the volume and get out of your head...and into some one else's for awhile. Your post is lovely--I hope your blues, turn to yellows and oranges and vibrant greens....! Hugs, depression isn't something to take likely---and if the sun out and roast in it...!
